Event: Public lecture: The Status of Forced Displacement and Migration in Ethiopia: Developments, Challenges in Responding to It and the Role of Social Work by prof. dr. Minaye

Registration via https://event.ugent.be/registration/LectureMinaye from 08-05-2024 19:17 until 11-06-2024 18:00


Ethiopia is facing significant challenges related to forced displacement and migration. Join us for an insightful lecture in which Professor Abebaw Minaye Gezie explores the developments, challenges, and responses to this pressing issue. Discover the crucial role that social work can play in addressing the economic, health, and psychosocial problems associated with migration and displacement in Ethiopia.

Register Option Description Location When? Cost in EUR Available Seats

IN PERSON ATTENDANCE Public lecture: The Status of Forced Displacement and Migration in Ethiopia: Developments, Challenges in Responding to It and the Role of Social Work by prof. dr. Minaye

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, Henri Dunantlaan 2 (Gent), Second Floor, Room 2.1

12-06-2024 10:00 - 12:00



Register Option Description Location When? Cost in EUR Available Seats

Public lecture: Online: The Status of Forced Displacement and Migration in Ethiopia: Developments, Challenges in Responding to It and the Role of Social Work by prof. dr. Minaye

Via following link:



Online (Teams link): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzE1MzQxMjYtNzkxYS00MzdmLTkyNGYtZGUxNzRlNWIwZGQw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d7811cde-ecef-496c-8f91-a1786241b99c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%222cd12eff-afcf-4962-b6f4-fa406bfd10cb%22%7d

12-06-2024 10:00 - 12:00
