Registration via from 28-03-2024 15:14 until 10-05-2024 15:15
Hands-on workshop on medieval liturgical manuscripts at Bruges Public Library, with experts Prof. Susan Boynton (Columbia University NYC) and Prof. Diane Reilly (Indiana University Bloomington). This workshop is organized by the Bruges Public Library (Evelien Hauwaerts), the Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies at Ghent University, The Flemish Heritage Libraries, and professors Boynton and Reilly. We will start in the morning with general discussion drawing on questions from the participants, based on their work preparing the manuscripts in advance (using digital images). After a lunch break the afternoon will be spent in small group work led by specialists, focusing on specific manuscript types. The manuscript work will stop at 6 pm (to be followed by ms viewing by LED candlelight). The workshop and lunch are both free of charge but advance registration is required because space is limited. Participants should bring their own laptops.
For questions about the content of the day please contact Susan Boynton and Diane Reilly. For practical information please contact the Pirenne Institute's coordinator Stefan Meysman.