Registration via from 06-08-2023 09:38 until 10-11-2023 12:00
The course brings together three topics:
Workshop ‘work happiness’: In this workshop we reflect on what contributes to happiness at work and in your team and what you can do to enhance it. The workshop is based on the latest insights in the field of work-related happiness.
Workshop:'Connecting communication': In this workshop we reflect on how you can build a both respectful and assertive communication based on your feelings and needs. There is an emphasis on experimenting with this in a safe environment.
Workshop ‘active bystander’: In this training you learn what transgressive behaviour is within the context of Ghent University and how you can react appropriately to inappropriate behaviour. We also discuss what sometimes stops us from intervening, how you can become and active bystander and who can help you when you experience transgressive behavior.