Event: IMHS 21/12/2023 - Lecture 'Skeletal muscle in health and disease: A multi-modal analysis approach'

Registration via https://event.ugent.be/registration/EmmaHodsonTole from 14-09-2023 15:03 until 21-12-2023 16:00


21/12/2023 - Lecture ‘Skeletal muscle in health and disease: A multi-modal analysis approach’


Prof. Emma Hodson-Tole (Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom)

Organiser: Department of Movement and Sport Sciences


Ultrasound imaging is a widely used method for study of skeletal muscle anatomy and mechanical behaviour in human health and disease. Early work relied on human-operators, manually marking images to quantify the features of interest. While these approaches have provided seminal insights of skeletal muscle characteristics, development and application of automated, computational image analysis methods has extended the information that may be gathered from recorded images. During this seminar an overview of our work to identify and measure skeletal muscle anatomy and behaviour, using computer vision and machine learning analysis approaches will be provided. We will discuss how these approaches more fully exploit the information content of recorded images to provide objective measures of dynamic muscle behaviour and consider the potential for new non-invasive approaches of quantifying skeletal muscle health. 


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Skeletal muscle in health and disease: A multi-modal analysis approach

Campus Ghent University Hospital – Classroom 3.1, 3K3, entrance 42, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Ghent

21-12-2023 16:00 - 17:30


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