CPAF Seminar 5 “Fire Safety Science and Engineering”
Seminar co-organized by: Wuhan University (Dr. Zhi Tang, Prof. Chao Zhang) - Ghent University (Prof. Bart Merci)
This seminar will take place on November 07, 2024 from 02:30 until 06:30 pm Beijing time.
This session is being supported by colleagues from the following partner universities in China: University of Science and Technology of China, Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Technology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Zheng Zhou University and Fuzhou University. This seminar will bring together UGent-Alumni and partners in the field of the Fire Safety Science and Engineering to share and transfer knowledge and to develop new partnerships.
The program consists of an opening ceremony with welcoming address given by Prof. Rik Van de Walle, Rector of Ghent University, Vice Rector of Wuhan University, Prof. Luc Taerwe, Director of East Asia Platform of Ghent University, Prof. Bart Merci, Ghent University and Prof. Zheng Fang, Wuhan University, followed by presentations of keynote speakers on the topics including “A few decades of fire modelling - some reflections and perspectives”; “Flame instability in cross flow, reduced pressure and micro-gravity: Jet flame and solid fire spread”; ”Pool fires from binary liquid mixtures”; ”Optimizing acoustic computed tomography for ceiling temperature monitoring of tunnel fires”; ”One and a half decades of efforts in validating FDS for structural fire analysis”; “Control logic-based adaptive smoke extraction and confinement technique for underground space fires”; ”Inhibition of air mixing during boilover by nitrogen foam fire extinguishing”. Another five topics will be determined as soon as possible.
At the end, there will be a closing remark and prospective section to highlight the results and strength the collaborations.