Registration via from 15-10-2024 09:00 until 30-01-2025 23:59
Gene therapy is rapidly emerging to treat rare diseases and includes various strategies such as gene augmentation, antisense oligonucleotides and gene editing. This doctoral school course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of current gene therapy technologies complemented by examples from our university and beyond. Additionally, we will cover the gene therapy development process, from early-stage research and valorisation to human clinical trials.
Part 1: Gene therapy - technologies
9u-9u35: Overview of genetic therapy strategies (prof. Frauke Coppieters, Ghent Therapy and RNA Group, UGent)
9u35-10u10: Gene therapy delivery through nanomedicines (prof. Stefaan De Smedt, Laboratory of General Biochemistry and Physical Pharmacy, UGent)
10u10-10u55: Gene therapy delivery through viral vectors (prof. Luk Vandenberghe, Grousbeck Gene Therapy Center, Boston, US)
Break (15min)
Part 2: Gene therapy - applications
11u10-11u45: Gene therapy for brain disease with a focus on epilepsy (prof. Robrecht Raedt, 4Brain, UGent)
11u45-12u20: Gene therapy for inherited deafness (prof. Frederic Acke, Otology and Audiology group, UGent & UZGent)
12u20-12u55: Gene therapy for inherited blindness (prof. Bart Leroy, Dept. of Ophthalmology, UGent & UZGent)
Lunch (13:00-14:00)
Part 3: Gene therapy - development
14u-14u35: Valorization and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) (dr. Tim Desmet, UGent)
14u35-15u10: Gene therapy clinical trials (HIRUZ, UZGent)
15u10-15u45: A company’s perspective
Break (15min)
16u-16u35: Science communication (Ineke Imbo, UGent)
16u35-17u10: A patient’s perspective (Nederlands)
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