Registration via from 13-12-2024 09:52 until 17-03-2025 23:59
OncoPoint is CRIG’s annual symposium to gather and stimulate interaction between cancer researchers in Ghent. This 11th edition is organized by CRIG, in collaboration with Kankercentrum UZ Gent.
Registration is free but obligatory and restricted to UGent, UZ Gent and VIB-UGent collaborators (no external researchers).
Abstracts should be submitted (deadline 20 Feb) by email to (cc:
Indicate below your preference concerning your abstract submission:
• you are interested to be selected for a 15' presentation and/or a storm session (2') + poster presentation
• or you are only interested to be selected for a storm session (2') + poster presentation
• or you are only interested to be selected for a poster presentation
All researchers that submit an abstract (except those selected for a 15' presentation), will be invited to present their work in a poster session.