Roundtable discussion ‘Crossing the Planetary Boundaries: A View from the Business and Human Rights Framework and Global Environmental Justice’ This roundtable brings together participants from academia and civil society to put in context the policies that require the corporate world to decarbonize their value chains and curb biodiversity loss by reflecting on the consequences of these policies on communities living in countries highly dependent on extractive industries or agriculture. Likewise, it will discuss what the aspects of concern are from a human rights perspective, regarding measures that aim at addressing the environmental crisis but not necessarily in an equitable manner worldwide.
Some guiding questions for the roundtable are:
To what extent does the decarbonization of value chains need to incorporate an impact assessment on the consequences for regions highly dependent on extractive industries?
To what extent does the energy transition require a firm commitment of technology transfer, fair innovation and benefit sharing agreements with countries where e.g., critical raw materials are being extracted?
To what extent will the due diligence on the implementation of deforestation-free products need an impact assessment on the consequences of these measures on peasant communities in exporting countries?
To what extent is the pursuit of critical raw materials compatible with a global policy of environmental protection?
Chair and organiser: Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez - PI ERC Curiae Virides research project- Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Invited speakers: Lotte Hoex (IPIS International Peace Information Service); Stefaan Smis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Babs Verhoeve (Stop Ecocide- Nederland); Boris Verbrugge (Hiva, KU Leuven and Universiteit Gent); Karlijn Van den Broeck (Catapa); Sarah Katz-Levigne (IOB UAntwerpen); Wies Willems (Broederlijk Delen)
Faculty Board Room, Faculty of Law and Criminology, Volderstraat 3 (9000) Gent
06-12-2023 11:00 - 12:30
Panel discussion of the Interuniversity Network on Law and Development (LAW&DEV)
13h15-13h25: Welcome and introduction by Wouter Vandenhole, University of Antwerp
13h25-13h50: Presentation: ‘Governing public goods through multistakeholder partnerships: human rights accountability and beyond’ by Gamze Erdem Türkelli, University of Antwerp
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals hail multistakeholder partnerships (MSPs) as key actors in achieving sustainable development. MSPs that bring together states, businesses, philanthropy and civil society are increasingly in the frontlines of providing public goods that are human rights such as food, health, education and water. In these domains, partnerships are spearheading the continued expansion of multistakeholder governance into international law, including human rights law. This expansion has been taking place without critical appraisal with respect to its effectiveness and consequences for human rights accountability. It is important to investigate the interface of international law and multistakeholder governance in the realisation of human rights and derive insights on whether and how international law and multistakeholder governance through MSPs can generate common ground when governing public goods that are human rights.
13h50-14h00: Reflections by Stefaan Smis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
14h00-14h45: Q&A and discussion
Moderator: Wouter Vandenhole
Academieraadzaal, Aula Complex, Volderstraat 9 (9000) Gent
06-12-2023 13:15 - 14:45
Decolonial walk by Labo VZW “A walk along the (de)colonial heritage of Ghent”
On this walk, you will discover and think about the forgotten stories hidden behind street names, buildings and monuments.
Organiser: HRRN in collaboration with City of Ghent
Library De Krook, Miriam Makeba Square, Ghent
06-12-2023 13:30 - 16:30
Fair Trade walk - A Ghent Tale of Trade and Rights
Organiser: City of Ghent
Meeting point: AULA (at the large staircase), Voldersstraat (between no. 7 and no. 9), 9000 Ghent
06-12-2023 13:30 - 16:30
'Walk through Ghent: Stories and social significance of human rights monuments’
The walk will depart from the Kouter at 2 p.m. at the giant Mystic Leaf. Then we go through the center of Ghent to the Human Rights Monument at the Geldmunt, next to the Castle of the Counts. This is where former mayor Frank Beke will share the importance to keep human rights violations current and in the spotlight.
The walk then continues to the Miriam Makeba Square. The Miriam Makeba Square is a tribute to human rights activists. We here invite Henri Heimans to testify about human rights activism. Henri Heimans is an honorary magistrate and worked for the Ministry of Justice for 45 years in various capacities, specializing in criminal law and special attention to protect human rights. He will focus on the UDHR and the need to remain alert to possible threats. We end the walk at the Amsab Institute of Social History, approximately at 4:30 PM.
Organisers: Amnesty International Gent, Amsab Institute of Social History
Guide and contact person: Gert Verdonck
Kouter (9000) Gent, at the giant mystic leaf
06-12-2023 14:00 - 16:30
Panel discussion ‘Human Rights, Accountability and International Cooperation’
15h00-15h10: Welcome and introduction by Vincent Eechaudt, Research Policy Advisor Ghent University and member of the VLIR Working Group on Human Rights
15h10-15h40: Keynote speech by Caroline Gennez, Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation and Major Cities Policy
15h40-16h10: Presentation ‘The Human Rights Policy of VLIR-UOS: Background, Challenges and Solutions’
Kristien Verbrugghen, Director VLIR-UOS
16h10-16h30: Presentation ‘Human Rights Policies at Universities: The Experiences of the VLIR Working Group on Human Rights’
Vincent Eechaudt, Ghent University
16h30-17h00: Q&A and discussion
Moderator: Vincent Eechaudt
Academieraadzaal, Aula Complex, Volderstraat 9 (9000) Gent
06-12-2023 15:00 - 17:00
Official opening ceremony
17h00-17h30 Start Registration - Entrance Hall AULA Complex, Volderstraat 9 (9000) Gent
17h30-17h50 Conference opening on behalf of the HRRN, by dr. Giselle Corradi, Coordinator HRRN, prof. dr. Ellen Desmet & prof. dr. Tine Destrooper, Co-Chairs HRRN.
17h50-18h00 Welcome by prof. dr. Mieke Van Herreweghe, Vicerector.
18h00-18h15 ‘Human Rights are the Cornerstone of our Democracy’, Keynote Speech by the Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo
18h15-19h00 ‘Taking off our blinders: we really do not all see human rights in the same way!’, Keynote Speech by prof. dr. Marie-Bénédicte Dembour, Ghent University.
19h00-20h00 Reception
AULA Complex, Volderstraat 9 (9000) Gent
06-12-2023 17:00 - 20:00