Event: Research methodology - Multi-Criteria Decision Support

Registration via https://event.ugent.be/registration/Researchmethods from 04-09-2023 09:00 until 02-01-2024 17:00


This seminar aims to delve into the intricate world of decision-making within the complex landscape of health systems research.


Prof. Keune and Prof. Springael will first give an introduction to Multi-Criteria Decision Support (MCDS), which will provide you with an understanding of the utility and characteristics of MCDS in navigating complex health systems research. You will learn how to address the challenges and opportunities that arise when dealing with diverse information, opinions, actor perspectives, and decision-making criteria. They then will share insights from their extensive collaboration and experiences in applying MCDS in various environmental health contexts, by exploring key methodological choices that shape MCDS, including diversity tolerance, handling uncertainty and differences of opinion, and addressing the epistemological divide, and showing you that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to complex issues; instead, methods are chosen and tailored based on practical considerations.

Register Option Description Location When? Cost in EUR Available Seats

Research methodology

Campus UZ (exact room to be announced)

09-01-2024 12:00 - 13:30
