Event: INFORMATION SESSION: Sociologists on the labour market

Registration via https://event.ugent.be/registration/speeddatealumnisocio2023 from 25-01-2023 17:03 until 15-02-2023 20:10


Dear Student,

2023, the labour market is calling!

Uhm, to do what precisely?

INFORMATION SESSION: Sociologists on the labour market (This is a bilingual event)

What are sociologists actually doing in the afterlife? What strategies do you follow to reach your goal? We invited about 15 alumni working in the non-academic or academic sector to tell us everything about their career, and how they use their sociological competences in their job. 



via Event Manager

TIME: Wednesday 15 february 2023, 20h00

PLACE: 2nd floor2, Technicum 1, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent

Register Option Description Location When? Cost in EUR Available Seats

INFORMATION SESSION: Sociologists on the labour market

refter, 2nd floor, technicum 1, Sint Pieter-nieuwstraat, 9000 Gent

15-02-2023 20:00 - 22:12
